Sunday, September 7, 2008

The start of my "national park extravaganza"

I've made it to Tallahassee. I leave tomorrow morning for Austin and then from there, it's on to the Carlsbad Caverns, NM. After I take some photos, I'll be sure and post them.


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. You have NO idea! Though I'm not big on camping. :)

Dawn aka Rich Bitch Thompson said...

Hey Matt,

I think this plan of yours is awesome. I've been wondering the same questions you've raised. You have the courage to act on it. We're always taught to go to school, get a job, have a family, etc... and I imagine that's why so many people have their mid-life crisis-- in their mid-life they find themselves asking, "Is this really what I want for myself?"

You know I don't know what I want. Just the other day I started a video journal to chronicle my self discovery. I hope to figure something out and accept life for what it is.

Keep me posted!


(Cory Brown's old girlfriend.)

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Matt! Have a safe and fun filled trip.

Anonymous said...

Hello Matt,

Like the Pix.

Stay safe.

Your Pop